Research and_


The formulation of each medicine – just like the molecule assigned to each Therapeutic disease – is unique. Sushen initiates each of its medicine development projects with a comprehensive development plan.

The strategy for developing medicines is based on the thorough analysis of pre-formulatory data.

In certain cases, development poses significant challenges, for example, if the active ingredient's bio-availabillity is low, its water-solubility and/or permeability is poor, or its physiological stability is poor. The development of the pharmaceutical form during the process helps to overcome these problems.

The main research activities include:

Solubility / Permeability Enhancement Technologies.

Alternative Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms.

Formulations designed for various NDDS.

Sushen development process of pharmaceutical forms is a logical
process built on analysis of the data. Its main phases are:

  • Pre-Formulatory solubility and stability tests through wide-range excipient compatibility test
  • Batch-scale production
  • Optimization and finalization of the pharmaceutical form
  • Pilot production
  • Stability testing
  • Validation, including that of the production process and analytical method
  • Preparation of documentation